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Banjo Lessons

Beginner’s Clawhammer Banjo by Larry Unger:

Follow along with Larry Unger’s Clawhammer Banjo Online Training Course and you can learn to play 17 popular, old-time banjo tunes in just 90 days. Larry’s simple approach walks you through simple, slow versions of the songs so you can play along and learn the notes by ear.

The package includes MP3’s, play-along videos, tablature for each song in the course, and printable summaries. The Banjo Play-Along Videos can be played at three differenct speds; slow, medium, and fast, so you can learn the tunes at a pace you can handle. As you progress you can speed up the training exercise.

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Learn all this with Larry Unger’s Clawhammer Banjo Online Course:

17 Banjo Favorites: Sourwood Mountain, Amazing Grace, Cripple Creek and more…..

Play by Ear: Learn how to replicate a note on your Banjo

Clawhammer Technique: How to properly use your right hand

Jamming: Learn how to jam and play along with any tune

Larry Playing Last Chance on the Banjo:

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